Family Communication Coaching
Dale Susan Edmonds
Media Page

Want to interview Dale Susan Edmonds about aging parents?

Contact Rev. Dale Susan Edmonds:

Phone: 1-847-722-6756
Email: dalesusan(AT)

Contact Dale Susan Directly

Media Release:

Today's Economic Stresses Require that You Talk with Your Aging Parents
about the Future

Most Baby Boomers unconsciously set themselves up to create future crises for their aging parents. Boomers have long let their fears or discomfort seduce them into putting off vital conversations with their elderly parents about finances, housing, or advance care planning. In today's economy, those excuses could land your parents AND you in the poor house. You need to talk now and plan now to protect your parents' future, as well as your own.

The consequences of NOT starting these delicate talks are serious. We've all seen the headlines:

"After 2-Month Battle, Daughter Let's Hospital Discharge Mother"
Chicago Tribune

  • "Woman, 90, shoots self inside foreclosed home"

  • "Geriatric Psychiatrist Sees Anxiety Gripping Senior Citizens in Economic Crisis

  • "Boomers delay their own retirement to take care of aging parents"

    Dale Susan will teach your audience when to talk to aging parents, what to talk about, and how to keep the conversations going.

    Rev. Dale Susan Edmonds is not a doctor, lawyer or financial planner, but in 40 years of ordained ministry (including Hospice Chaplaincy), she's seen the terrible pain caused after families failed to have the tough conversations with their parents. Dale Susan uses her skills in conflict resolution and family communication coaching to teach your audience how to start the talks that could save thousands of dollars, serious legal headaches, or, even, avert a family war.

  • Dale Susan Edmonds Film Interview

    Selected Interviews:

    PBS Documentary

    "Just a short note to say 'thank you' ... Dale Susan – the quality of your interview was exceptional and will provide others with insight as to the importance of communication and spirituality at end-of-life."

    Mike Bernhagen, Co-Producer, Consider the Conversation: a documentary on a taboo subject

  • NBC Nightly News

  • HUFFPOST - Huffington Post 

  • C-TAC (Coalition to Transform Advanced Care)

  • KCET Your Turn to Care Resources

  • Wayne Kelly, KBS Radio

  • Big Bob, EZ Help You and More

  • Dr. Beth Erikson, Mirrors of the Soul

  • Bob Cudmore,The Bob Cudmore Show, 1570 WTVL_AM, Amsterdam, N.Y.

  • Dale Carter, BlogTalkRadio, Top 5 Interviews of 2009


    In today's uncertain economy, legal and financial disasters can be avoided if you start talking to your aging parents now. Rev. Dale Susan Edmonds is not a doctor, lawyer or financial planner. But in over 40 years of ordained ministry, she’s seen the terrible pain caused after families failed to have the tough conversations with their parents. Dale Susan uses her skills in conflict resolution and family communication coaching to help you plan for the best.

    As the creator of, Dale Susan is teaching people to overcome the fears of navigating the uncertain future with their aging parents.

    Welcome Rev. Dale…

    Sample Questions:

    1. Why did you create this program?
    2. How do the current financial realities change the game for our aging parents?
    3. What are the 3 MOST important conversations to have?
    4. How can we get started without rocking the boat?
    5. Do you have a secret formula to get us out of a jam when things are clearly NOT going well in talking to our parents?


    Today, Dale Susan wants to give all our listeners a FREE Planning Guide -
    Set the Right TEMPO: 5 Steps to Ease Talks With Aging Parents.
    Just go to

    Detailed Bio:

    Rev. Dale Susan Edmonds, is the creator of, an information and educational network for people with aging parents. Dale Susan has been an ordained minister for 40 years and is a family communication coach, hospice chaplain, speaker, and workshop leader. Rev. Edmonds is active in C-TAC, the national Coalition to Transform Advanced Care. She also writes a column for the Huffington Post.

    Certified as an Advance Care Planning Facilitator and Instructor, Dale Susan works with families, congregations, and professional associations to confidently prepare for the realities of aging within extended families.

    For years, as a local pastor, Rev. Dale got many frantic phone calls after a family’s crisis with aging parents. When describing the situation, they most often said: “Help, we don’t know what to do… we never talked about it.

    Finally, when faced with the same kinds of dilemmas within her own family, Dale Susan realized it was time to step back and create the resources to help people become more at ease when dealing with these uncomfortable subjects.

    With her extended family scattered across the United States, Dale Susan lives outside Chicago and enjoys reading, restaurants, and music. Dale Susan is a charter member of Sing to Live, a community chorus created to support individuals and families affected by breast cancer.

    Contact Info:

    For Family Communication Coaching, Dale Susan Edmonds
    Phone: 1-847-722-6756
    Contact Dale Susan Directly

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