Consider the Conversation
Wins Award of Excellence
for Social Change

End-of-Life Care Documentary, Consider the Conversation, Wins Award of Excellence for Social Change
Mike Bernhagen

Consider the Conversation: A Documentary on a Taboo Subject has been recognized in an international film and television competition for its "use of film for social change". The documentary brought home a total of four prizes, the most of any film, including awards of merit for short documentary, viewer impact, and direction.

"Receiving recognition for social change and viewer impact tells us that the message is being heard. There is a need to improve end-of-life care in America," said Terry Kaldhusdal, co-producer of the documentary.

Click below to see a clip of Rev. Dale's interview in the film

"This is a great honor," said co-producer Michael Bernhagen. "It can be attributed to all of those who shared their stories on end-of-life care in America, and those who made a donation to make this project a reality. It was our dream to make a difference and this award confirms that we're on the right path."

The Best Shorts Competition

The Best Shorts Competition recognizes film professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity, and those who contribute to profound social change. Other award winners included Tim Burton Productions; Viacheslav Lesov, of Israel; Meta Vision, of Paraguay; Australia Children's Television Foundation; Cesare Bornazzini, of Italy; Fernando Ortigas, of Philippines; Karmacause Productions, of Canada; Aoife Naughton, of Ireland; and Les Seraphins, of France.

Consider the Conversation is a film that takes a personal and intimate look at the emotional, spiritual, physical, and social burdens associated with the historical shift that has occurred with dying. Its impact is being felt across the country despite the taboo nature of the issue: end-of-life care.

The film has played in theaters, auditoriums, churches, and homes around the country. To date it has aired 297 times on 122 PBS and commercial stations in 28 states. The DVD has sold in 49 states and Canada. This film is restarting the conversation about end-of-life care and is bridging the political spectrum.

Mike and Terry spoke at a recent WPO meeting (World Presidents' Organization, a global organization of more than 4,600 business leaders who are or have been chief executive officers of major companies) last November and are scheduled to present at a LGBT (a group whose mission is to promote equality and quality of life for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people) meeting in the spring. While the mission of these two groups is very different, they understand that end-of-life care is a universal issue.

The film has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from across the country, including Paula Span's blog in The New York Times and a Barbara Coombs Lee review in the Huffington Post. Lee wrote, "I have never recommended a film on the end of life before. But people deserve to see Consider the Conversation because it deepens our passion for life and enriches our lives."

Consider the Conversation to End of Life Planning

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